Thursday, September 20, 2012


i don't mean to brag or anything but this year i have watched a lots of series and some i loved, some i cried, some i was annoyed and some i was pissed after watching because it meant i have wasted my time, energy, resources, but the greater part of the series i have watched is mostly korean series because i want to learn their language so i watch to see how the words are been used .
first, though i feel its fair that the tell you all this i watch series based on some unnamed standards i have set for myself and the people i watch the series with mostly my family.
here some of the unmentionables rules :
1. the hero or the lead male roles should be very cute and handsome.
2. should have a great story line and not just any story line but one that stares my imagination, something which even when i finish the series am watching i will be thinking about it for days.
3. it should be decent and i take that very seriously and a PG rated series .

i think at the moment am writing this blog this are some of the unmentionable rules i think about before i am either buying or watching, and oh i forget to say this i love watching comedy series something that makes me laugh very much , and fantasy and romances and drama series ,and sometimes action and thriller.

so am going to start with the category i have mentioned above which is all the series i have watched both the Korean and American;
the first one is
holy pearl
single ladies
rooftop prince(i.e i haven't even watched this series in full but form the bits and pieces i have watched online and from a personal account of my very own partner in crime indry i have come to know about this series very much.(indry is my friend who is currently in Indonesia))
the next one is
2. fantasy
once upon a time
time slip Dr. jin
the almighty Johnson(i.e i am now watching it and so far am liking it and that's not all my brother hates this series i watch but so far all the series am naming are the one he has watched with me to the end).
the next one is
3. romance
lovers in Prague
the moon that embraces the sun
the royal princess
yi San
Dong yi(my all time fav Korean historical romance i have watched)
the next one is
4. drama
switched at birth
teen wolf
single ladies
lovers in Prague
the next one is
5. action
city hunter
nine tailed fox
crime squad
the next one is
6. thriller
city hunter(and i tell you will be very pissed after the series ends),
burn notice

well people these are the once i remember and i have grouped them according to my own personal preferences but i hope you agree with me .
but i won't be leaving like that at all i will give some pictures my friend indry as mentioned earlier sent me .


i celebrated my 20th birthday not long ago and it was one of my most enjoyable day in my life.
i celebrated my 20th birthday on 12 march this year and early in my mum and dad song me a happy birthday song and i had to go to class, i got ready for class as usual and with lots of calls from friends, family members, and well wishers and whiles i was going to class i took my cake to class and after the lessons we had a mini party with my class mates i will add some of the pictures taken.

its been a while

hello i know its been a while people saw me here i know this past few months has been one of my most difficult times of my life and that of my family , we lost our father , brother, friend, mentor, model, and our everything to us .
i will like to say something a little bit about my father , he was a very good person very compassionate, kind, gentle , honest hearted person i pray that may jehovah rest his soul in peace and i know that all is not lost yet for me and my family.